
Hi I'm Alex,..

I've been working in design for years and I love it! Every day I learn something new and grow as a person. I especially love it when I get to use what I know for a good cause and get to help people.

Now I'm bringing all of my accumulated talents into more human space,... UX! This is a field in design where you get to combine technology and people and work towards something better every day.

I believe everything has a purpose and a reason.. and there's a reason you're reading this now.

I hope you like my work.

My Work

Take a look and let me know what you think, I'd love to hear from you.


Hard Rock Hotel
Booking App

The focus of this UI exercise is to find a cleaner and simpler design while preserving the branding and tone of the company.


Broward County
Library App

I have a special love for the library and while their app works it needed a little bit of love to have consistency between the website, mobile site as well as the app.


OPS Safety Bollards

The fabrication company that manufactures bollards need a constant supply of stock to work from at a good price and OPS Bollards wants to make it easy to order stock for upcoming projects.


Fire as a service

These days many events are celebrated with fire and but it requires a bit more to enjoy it safely. Fire as a service allows people to order for any event you may
have with options you might not have thought of.


Cooler Screens with Google ATAP Soli Technology

A new step using XR technology inside of the pharma/med field.


Pin In Place

Geo-Location Social App allows you to verify the location to your images and social posts.


Danka Doughnuts

A European high-end doughnut baker wants to enter the American market through a unique segment of the market.

Take a look at my other design work,...

I've been in the industry for a bit so I also wanted to share some of the graphic design work that I've done in the past.

Reach  out and say Hello!

Designed with Mobirise templates